New building, repair & maintenance and conversion, design, consultancy…
With a focus on a cost efficient solution, with you all times, solution oriented…
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With expert teams - Consultancy
- New Building
- Design
- Repair
- Consultancy
- New Building
- Design
- Repair
We have been directly in activity since 2000 in Tuzla, Turkey in order to achieve the desired goal, we are giving integrated services in all fields of the Maritime industry such as engineering, repair, new building, spares supply, agency, etc.
Later on we are drawing the borders of the most fruitful and effective business model together with our customers and we are preparing the most competitive and efficient quotation in order to present our customers.
In addition to that we are also giving services to our customers in the contractual stages for the preparation of the technical specification and administrative contract.
For summarization, we would like to strongly high light that as the new business partner of our potential customers in Turkey, we shall be proud to be the unique address in a long term 7/24 win-win relation frame.