Tag - Blade Repair

Propeller Repair and Polishing

As nature of the shipping business propellers of the vessels usually gets damaged easily due to cavitation, hitting to the rocks, fishing nets and so on.

We are able to completely repair the damaged propellers and propeller blades with in our shipyards and work shops under the survelliance of the assigned classification society inspectors in Tuzla Istanbul or Yalova Altınova area.

As we use the same original metalurjical material of the propeller, we keep the propeller as it was in its original conditions before and we re-balance the propeller in order to eleminate the possible future problems.

In addition to all polishing the propeller blade surfaces reduces the friction and increases the efficiency.

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Propeller Polishing

#PropellerBladeRepair, #PropellerRepair, #BladeRepair

Propeller Blade Repair

Damaged Propeller Blade

Damaged Propeller Blade

Propeller Blade Edge Repair

Propeller Blade Edge Repair
